How to set up commissions

If you want to take a commission on each sale, please make sure that the Marketplace extension and the WooCommerce plugin are installed and activated.

Also, please note that it’s possible to take a commission from vendors, customers, or both.

Taking a commission from vendors

If you want to take a commission from vendors, please go to HivePress > Settings > Vendors (Hosts) > Selling section. Here you can set:

  • Commission Rate - a commission percentage that will be charged on every purchase (e.g., set 10 if you want to charge 10% on each sale);
  • Commission Fee - a fixed commission fee that will be charged on every purchase (e.g., set 2 if you want to charge $2 on each sale).

Additionally, it's possible to set a custom commission rate and fee for each vendor. To do that, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Vendors (Hosts) section and select any vendor. Then set the commission rate & fee in the corresponding fields.

Taking a commission from customers

If you want to take a commission from buyers, please go to HivePress > Settings > Users > Buying section. Here you can set: 

  • Commission Rate - the commission percentage that will be added to every purchase (e.g., if you set 10, then 10% will be added to the base price);
  • Commission Fee - a fixed commission fee that will be added to every purchase (e.g., if you set 2, then $2 will be added to the base price).

Now you can charge a commission on each transaction between vendors and customers.

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